Tuesday, October 23, 2007

the words...

I am a journalist. I work as a photojournalist in the television industry to earn a living, but my true passion is writing. I've always wanted to have a forum for my views; a place I could display my writings and works.

Thus, this site has given me that opportunity

Below are some of the writings I have posted on this site along with some journal entries I will do periodically.

Be forewarned, this sailor drops a few f-bombs from time to time....so if offended easily, pass on...

Reality is only as brutal as you see.

-summer 2005

I've been writing all my life. For as long as I can remember. It's just one of those things I've always done. From the storytelling to abstract journal writing to songs and prose, I've just done it as long as I can rmemeber. I have stacks and stacks of journals, notebooks, song books, from all over covering all the different eras and epochs of my life.

I'm not saying I'm any good. Hell, most of the crap I read back is that...crap. But, it's been my most consistent outlet for creativity and emotion and whatever may be ailing me at that particular moment.

It's therapeutic and enjoyable and become more than just a hobby. It's a mission...

Over the last few years, I've started to share some of my work with friends, family, acquaintances, and beyond and have gotten some cool, positive feedback.

"You should do this for a living..." I keep hearing. However, freelance writing is a tough, poverty ridden lifestyle that I, with two children, can't afford to afford. My job is steady work, pays the bills, and supports the little ones...

But I keep on...

I've gotten a bunch of short pieces compiled that I want to release as a chapbook collection called "The Third Summer." It's a collection of journal entries, stories, and tales from my third summer on the beach in Willoughby in 2005. It's a period where I was writing a great deal more than usual and produced a high number of pieces, the most since my days of working on the university newspaper in Missouri.

I've continued to fill journals, more intermittently now, and started a novel last year, that I've recently started working on again.

The novel is a fiction-based on reality kind of piece, collecting stories and experiences over my last five years living on this peninsula in Virginia. It's going to be a five-act story, where each act is a month of summer, from May to September, of course with an epilogue in October...

This is my attempt at the "first great" novel, my attempt at a "The Rum Diary" kind of piece, which is my inspiration. Old Uncle Hunter is hopefully looking down proudly one me.

So welcome to my words and enjoy your visit and reads...I hope some of my stories entertain you and I would love to hear your feedback about what you read.

The more I write, the more I will add, and I'll be digging through some old journals as well, hopefully finding many lost gems I'd forgotten about from days passed.

Again, welcome

Friday, September 21, 2007

The scream woke me up. I was having a dream about huge anaconda-sized snakes swimming in the bay ande I awoke to the high-pitched shriek coming from where I didn't know.

I stumbled to my feet in the dark, grabbed the mag light and walked across the hall to the guest room, where the noise was louder. I had set a mousetrap in there for the vermin but the screams were so loud I thought I hooked a possum.

Nope. It was a big fat rat. I've caught lots of mice here, but never a full-fledged rat. He was tossing the trap around the room, latched to his head, like it was a clothes pin.

Shit. It was 2 a.m. I went to the living room, found the possum killer plumber's wrench and ended it quick.

Tried to sleep. The alarm clock came soon after the end.

Yet another tresspasser I don't want running across my bed at night when I'm here camping in the cabana...

I guess my head gives it some scale. Would you want this running across your head?

I took these with Katryn's camera and it's kind of cool how the rat is out of focus and the background is in...artsy shots of the vermin intruder...

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

time to go, time to go, I want to go...

The signs have been here all along.

Last year before Christmas work made us get cell phone accounts in our own names, an unexpected expense at Christmas time. My account costs $90 a month and I'm reimbursed for fifty of that.

It cost me $40 a month to keep my job. Merry Xmas...

Then the neighbors true colors became apparent. He liked to beat his girlfriend around when he got real drunk while the twelve year old girl cowered in a back room. Then he'd disappear for days on a crack binge. Those were the best days for the family. I had them evicted.

Then it was quiet. And it got quieter when the cable was turned off. Then loud when the lightning struck and destroyed the computer and took blue from the television. And it was quiet again for a long time...

Then it was hot, unbearably hotter than usual and we had to hide from the sun, from summer. The bugs bred in unbelievable numbers in the humidity.

And, then it was real quiet...

Because I took the kids home for school. They told me to move as quick as I could. As quick as I can find a job...

And when I returned to paradise it smelled like dirty, wet ass and was a dark, brown tidal wave of pollution.

And then the cop took my license for no good reason and the DMV raped me for a car I don't have. I could have lost my job that day. If I don't pay their bullshit insurance scam, I will...

My parents put their house on the market in Colorado today. It was sold in four hours.

The signs are there...it costs me $118 a month to keep my job in Virginia. I need a job in the north. There aren't any...

It's time to go. I want to go...I just don't have anywhere to go...

I've been waiting to move since I moved here, five years ago...
I'm tired of fucking waiting...

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Fuck the DMV

I got a speeding ticket on thursday morning trying to get a tape back for the morning show about a fundraiser for a little girl dying of cancer...

The cop nailed me...I was guilty and he went back to run my info while I sat on the side of the road staring at the front door of the station. I was hundreds of feet of my story making air. He finally came back and said "I have some really bad news for you Mr. Walsh. I have to confiscate your license because its been suspended due to an ‘insurance revocation.’"

"I don’t have insurance. I don't own a car. I sold my car two months ago," I said. "This is a company car and I'm under corporate insurance."

"I still have to take your license," he said. "You'll have to go to DMV this morning." They opened at 8. It was just past 5. I still had to get the tape to make air for the little girl.

"What is an insurance revocation?" I asked. He didn't know. He couldn't explain it. He just had to take my license because the computer said my license was suspended for an "insurance revocation." Again, I reitirate, that he didn't know what that meant, nor did I as he took away my VA license, the one most important thing I need to keep my job.

He let me drive back to the station, across the street from where he pulled me over. The tape made air, but I didn't have a license anymore, and it wasn't even 7.

There is a DMV remote site at our courthouse in downtown Norfolk. I'm supposed to do a story about the convenience of such a facility, where the regular business center takes hours to get through. I arrived by lift of my reporter in my vehicle to the courthouse a half hour before their opening of business. When the metal gates finally slid open, the woman's greeting set the pace...


"Yes, I got pulled over this morning and the officer took away my license..."

"We don't deal with licenses here."


"We don't do licenses."

"Oh," I wondered confused reading the D-M-V letters on all the walls. "You are the DMV, right?"

"Yes.....you have to go to the main office on WHATEVER road."

"Can you tell me why my license was taken?"


"You can't look it up on the computer?"



"Because we don't do licenses."

I broke through the door and made my way across the city on foot back to my work. It was about a twenty-minute hike in the early morning and I thought about the "convenience" of the satellite bureau I had just experienced and how I couldn’t wait to do a story about the facility. I had so many questions to ask now.

I built a nice sweat trekking across the city and passed the place I’d been pulled over, cussing both the police department and DMV. They had fucked up my life on this Thursday morning and so far, resolution of the problem seemed very distant.I got a ride from a fellow co-worker to the main DMV offices while my company truck sat idle in the parking lot..

When I got to the main DMV branch I was dreading the experience. The last time I had been here was nearly five years ago when I first moved to Virginia. It took about five hours for me to get through the line and get my license changed from Pennsylvania to Virginia and new tags for the old Cadillac that got me here. The parking lot didn’t look too crowded, so I felt a little better.

I got in line and was corralled through the process, waiting for my number to ring out. There were people who had come in behind me that were getting through and gone. They must have been in a different category of need I fooled myself. I sat near a window where and angry looking woman worked. ‘Please don’t be her’ I told myself until my number, after nearly three hours, finally rang at her window. I sucked it up and tried to be as agreeable as possible.

I told her what happened and she looked into her computer, the expression of unhappiness never changing.

"You have an ’85 cadillac that you didn’t have insurance for?"

"Well, I did. The tags expired and I canceled my insurance while it sat in my driveway rusting away until I sold it two months ago for $200."

"When your insurance was canceled your license was suspended." I knew this was wrong because I had gotten a speeding ticket several months ago and the cop had said nothing about my license being suspended. I pressed on.

"Ok…so what do I have do to get my license back. Do I have a fine? What? I have to work."

She hit some keys and spit out an answer. "It will cost you $585 and you have to get SR-22 insurance."

I felt every muscle in my body want to strangle her. "WHAT!!!" I calmed. "Why do I have to get insurance? I don’t own a car! I told you I sold it! I sold it for two hundred FREAKIN’ dollars!"

"You kept the tags after you canceled your insurance. You needed to return your tags. You were sent a letter."

"I was never sent a letter, the tags expired a year ago, and why do I have to get insurance if I don’t even own a vehicle."

"You need the insurance to reinstate youir license and must maintain it in order to keep it."

"Even though I don’t have a vehicle, I have to have insurance."


There was an insurance company conveniently set up next door. The woman smiled when I walked in. She’d seen a million people like me with the look I had on my face of pure hatred.

"I need SR-22 insurance because I had a car rust in my driveway for a year." She explained this was common and that I had to keep the insurance policy for the next THREE years in order to keep my license in Virginia. It covers me for absolutely NOTHING, yet will cost me $78 a month.

"I don’t even own a car." I bought the policy, went back over and had to wait again, and then finally got my picture taken for my new license, which cost me $663 plus $78 month for the next three years I live in Virginia, which will total to about $3000, just to keep my license so I can keep my job even though I don’t own a vehicle and now have insurance that provides me absolutely no coverage. I didn’t smile in the picture.

I could have lost my job. I could have had my career severely damaged. And now, I have SR-22 on my driving record, which a friend pointed out, could cause problems with me finding a new job as a photojournalist at another station closer to the kids. I might now be stuck here because of this. I am now in the same category as drunk drivers. I didn’t do anything wrong but let a $200 car rust away in my driveway. The system has completely failed me this week. If I hadn’t had the means to get the money I would be without a job right now. Everything about this scenario is completely wrong. If I cancel the insurance, my license will be suspended again and I’m not sure if this will follow me where I might go next.

Because of a car I bought for $500 and sold for $200.

The system failed me. The system raped me. There is nothing I can do about this, except maybe warn one of you, before it happens to you next.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

911- Six Years Past

It's 8:46am. The time when the first plane hit the first tower six years ago. I can't believe it's been six years. I got a call in my Physics class at Missouri Southern from my newsroom in 2001.

"We need you to get in here. A plane just flew into the world trade center. It might have been terrorists."

I hung up the phone and my class had stopped, the Physics instructor looking irritatedly at me.

"I have to go," I said. "A plane just hit the World Trade Center."

And that's how it started for me. I had just been in New York almost a year before to do a few stories about my college's piano competition winner playing a recital at Carnegie Hall. It was my first travel assignment and one of the influences that steered me into my current career.

I found some of the pics from that trip by accident and thought I'd share them. It's been 7 years since I've been in New York and I don't think I've ever posted any of these on the web.

I haven't been back to the city since 911. I grew up at the Jersey shore, a NYC stepchild, my father being a Brooklyn native, and spending most of my childhood holidays in Bay Ridge, so, I feel a certain attachment to the Big Apple. It's where my family was...and to an extent, still is...

But I haven't been back since. I've seen the Pentagon. I've been to Shanksville. I haven't been back to see Ground Zero. It's a sad day...but it's a day to remember, a day to honor the heroes, and a day to think about the future...

Be well everyone...

a beer on the way in KC,or was it St. Louis?

Central Park, NYC 2000...where are all my Droogs?

Broadway, 2000

Job Hunting

My favorite watering hole where I watched the end of the Subway Series...Yanks vs. Mets...skinny little bastard I was?!?

from the Hudson dinner cruise, 2000

Past the Brooklyn Bridge...


Carnegie Hall

views from my hotel room...my last day in NYC

the shot my mom hates....

Sunday, September 9, 2007

welcome to blogspot...

found this by accident, kind of like finding myspace by accident, kinda like finding out about publishing websites by accident.

yet another forum...another portal to suck you into my website to look at my family vacation pictures and hear my rambling stories.This site I found when I discovered the NOTA Lp from '85 on here...ahhhh, the internet...so many ways to share...the open source...

let the blogging and flogging begin.

photojournalist-producer-father...not in that order...

cedar park, tx summer 2010

the Exorcist stairs

the Exorcist stairs
georgetown, washington d.c.

and the emmy goes to...

and the emmy goes to...
winner in willoughby, 2007